Linden Park Primary School seeks to maximise opportunities for regular participation in activities for the physical wellbeing of students and to encourage their participation in regular, age appropriate, sporting competition to enhance their development through practice, teamwork and leadership.

    The school supports Out of School Hours sporting activities to assist in achieving the above objective. We hope that for students, being part of a school sporting team will:

    • Assist them in maintaining physical fitness and gaining a healthy attitude towards an active way of life;
    • Provide them with the opportunity to increase their levels of performance of skills learned;
    • Instil a sense of commitment – to the team, to practice and to the coach;
    • Encourage the demonstration of good leadership and fair play;
    • Generate an appreciation of the benefits of practice; and
    • Reinforce the virtues of teamwork.

    Registering your child does not automatically guarantee a position in a team.

    Parent volunteers are required to coach and manage teams. If there is no parent volunteer, we cannot nominate the team. There has also had circumstances where there were not enough registrations, resulting in being unable to fill and register a team.

    Sports Policy_Sept2017 (PDF 510KB)

    External Sport Programs

     The school encourages students to get a skill foundation and exposure in a variety of sports before starting competitive games in sport-specific school teams. All students can participate in external sport programs at the school or around the community. Some local companies are below – Contact them directly with any questions or to register.

    Please click here for details.